Skeet Shares
stuff I find interesting
Thursday, January 4, 2007
Poll: Should skeet start dating again?

Have you ever used an online dating site? I’ve thought about it and explored some of the sites that are out there. It’s not that I don’t meet interesting people in my day-to-day life. I do, and some of them have been very interesting, but none has been the right one. I know several happy couples who began their relationships online, so I know it works out well for some folks. So here’s what I’m going to do. My regular readers know me pretty well. What do you think? Should I plunge into the dating game again? I’ve found a free Online Dating site that looks pretty good. I’m taking an informal poll. If fifty of you think I’m bold enough and ready enough to start dating again, I’ll sign up on the site and see what’s out there. You have three days to cast your vote. I won’t name any names, but some of you are among the most interesting people I know. I’m NOT bold enough to say who you are, but if I get voted in and just happen to find you there, well, you never can tell, can you? You won’t even have to whip out the credit card to sign up because Just Say Hi is completely free. Wasn’t it nice of them to sponsor this post so that I can get your input and just maybe start looking for Mr. Right?

I don't have the capabilities to set up a real poll, so just cast your vote by posting your opinion in the comments. Vote yes or no and defend your vote by giving your reasons. My (gulp) social life is in your hands!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...
Well- Hmmph! Haven't read your blog long enough to say you should or shouldn't go for it... That being said ,not like a "date" or anything besides blog buddies, yes I would love to meet you for coffee at Starbucks in Ewa should you be interested ... email me and we will both have a post to do won't we!
oh and BTW...I'm not on your sidebar and I would be honored to be there!

Blogger Allan said...
"If fifty of you think I’m bold enough and ready enough to start dating again, I’ll sign up on the site and see what’s out there."

Go for it! Did you say 50? Yikes.

I thought 'skeet' was shooting clay pigeons.I googled it though...might not wanna use it in yer personal ad. *ehhh*

Blogger Unknown said...
Hey I say go for it! If anything, you'll have some good blog material out of it.


Blogger Lee said...
do it skeet

Blogger skeet said...
Okay, one undecided & two for.

crystal - Looking forward to coffee! We'll work out a schedule.

allan: Mahalo for the reminder, lol! Guess I'll need a new screen name if I register over there. The kind of folks who would look me up because of that definition are not the guys I'd like to date!

Christine, so true. Those all-important interim posts!

Keep those votes coming in, folks!

Blogger DirkStar said...
I have always preferred grocery stores and everyday places for meeting good dating prospects.

I met my wife at Walgreens...

Human contact is always the best way to make contact.

Blogger BenSpark said...
You could use this program for a poll

I say go for it.

Blogger skeet said...
LOL! Drew, I'm not exactly trying to make it easy for people to vote, lol! The very idea of dating again terrifies me!

But thanks for sharing the technology! I may put it into play in another situation some day.